Training Piping System & Pipeline Integrity
Training Sistem Pipa & Integritas Pipa
Training Fundamentals Of Maintenance And Integrity
Piping is a system of pipes used to convey fluids (liquids and gases) from one location to another. The process of fluid transportation using pipelines is nearly as human history and transportation systems have always required maintenance to preserve their structural integrity. The operations of a pipeline is a complex system that involves numerous steps and use of technology. Pipeline integrity means that the pipeline and all its related components are running properly. When pipelines are not operating properly, it poses a risk to public safety as well as pipeline company employees and other workers. Pipeline integrity is maintained through proper design and construction, monitoring and inspections and maintenance protocols.
This training is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of applied piping and pipeline technology: design aspects of piping & pipeline system, selection of materials and types of pipes, flanges, valves and fittings, handling of those materials, welding & installation techniques andprocedures, and the operation, inspection and maintenance of piping and pipeline systems. Otherhands also provide understanding pipeline integrity to analyze a degraded condition due to either corrosion or mechanical damage.
* The Participant will gain an in-depth knowledge of pipe and fitting material specifications, fabrication process and influence on mechanical properties of strength and toughness, to help in material selection and failure analysis.
* The participant will understand the technical background to the design equations, and their application to the design of piping systems and pipelines. The course addresses rules of good practice in layout of piping systems for reliable operation.
* The participant will gain a practical understanding of piping and pipeline corrosion mechanisms, how to recognize them, classify them and resolve them.
* The participant will learn risk assessment for piping & pipeline i.e. probability of failure and their consequences if failures occur.
* The participant will be introduced to the latest techniques and research in piping and pipeline integrity to analyze a degraded condition due to either corrosion or mechanical damage.
* The participants will review case histories of field failures and will evaluate their cause and solutions to avoid recurrence.
* Piping and Pipeline Engineers
* Operation Engineers
* Maintenance Engineers
* Production Engineers
* Technical Supports Engineers
* Technical Staffs
* Everyone who want to know and have interest in piping and pipeline system
* History of Pipeline Technology
* Fundamentals of Maintenance and Integrity
Materials Selection
* Metallurgical Properties
* Chemistry and Material
* Linepipe manufacturing
* Fabrication and Fittings specification
* Mechanical Properties: Strength and Toughness
* Material selection technique
Strength Integrity for Sustained Loads
* Operating and Design Pressure
* How to Establish the System Design Pressure
* Introduction to Pressure Relief Valves
* Pipe and Pipeline Sizing Formula with Applications
* Rules of Good Practice in layout
* Pump and Compressor Piping
* How to Support a piping System
* Review of Support Types and their Application
* Lesson learned from Poor Support Practices
* Temperature Effects
* Flexibility Layout Analysis
* Temperature Transients and Fatigue Damage
* Vibration In Service
* Mechanical and Hydraulic Induced Vibration in Piping
* How to Measure Analyze Resolve Vibration
Strength Integrity for Occasional Loads
* Pressure Transients
* Recognizing and Solving Liquid Hammer
* Pump Station Transients
* Study of Pipeline Failures Due to Transient
* Two-Phase Liquid -Vapor Transients
* Two-Phase Liquid-Gas Transients
* Gas Discharge Transients
* Buried Pipe
* Soil Loads
* Surface Loads
* Expansion of Buried Pipe
* Soil settlement
* n-service Movement of Pipeline
* Pipeline Failures
* Understanding Why Failures Occur and How to Avoid Them
Corrosion Assessment and Protection
* Introduction to Practical Corrosion
* Classification of Corrosion Mechanisms
* General Wall Thinning
* Local Corrosion: Galvanic Effects
* Crevice Corrosion
* Pitting Corrosion
* Environmental Effects
* Hydrogen and H2S Effects
* Microbiological Corrosion
* Corrosion Protection
* Cathodic Protection Overview
Corrosion Assessment and Protection
* Introduction to Practical Corrosion
* Classification of Corrosion Mechanisms
* General Wall Thinning
* Local Corrosion: Galvanic Effects
* Crevice Corrosion
* Pitting Corrosion
* Environmental Effects
* Hydrogen and H2S Effects
* Microbiological Corrosion
* Corrosion Protection
* Cathodic Protection
Risk Assessment Overview
* Introduction to risk assessment
* Risk Criteria
* Probability of failure
* Third party damage
* Corrosion aspects
* Design aspects
* Incorrect operation
* Consequence of failure
* Product hazard
* Spill assessment
* Dispersion calculation
* Receptors
* Risk Representation
Maintenance & repair
* Flange and Mechanical Joints
* Overview of Different Types of Flanges and Application
* Causes of Flange Leaks and How to Resolve
* Case Study of Flange Failure
* Assembly of Flange Joints and Leak Tightness
* Pressure and Leak Testing
* The Difference Between Leak Testing and Pressure Testing
* Review of Difference Testing Techniques
* The Purpose of Hydro test
* How to Conduct a Hydro test
* Pipeline and Piping Systems Testing
* Pneumatic Testing
* Repair Techniques
* The New ASME Repair Standards
* The Fundamentals of Repair package
* Pipe and Component Replacement
* Grinding and welding
* Welded Sleeve: Type A and B
* Presentation
* Discussion
* Case Study
* Evaluation
Saripudin, ST. MT
Jadwal Pelatihan Tambang Training Tahun 2024 :
- Batch 1 : 23 – 24 Januari 2024
- Batch 2 : 7 – 8 Februari 2024
- Batch 3 : 6 – 7 Maret 2024
- Batch 4 : 23 – 24 April 2024
- Batch 5 : 7 – 8 Mei 2024 || 21 – 22 Mei 2024
- Batch 6 : 11 – 12 Juni 2024
- Batch 7 : 17 – 18 Juli 2024
- Batch 8 : 21 – 22 Agustus 2024
- Batch 9 : 18 – 19 September 2024
- Batch 10 : 8 – 9 Oktober 2024 || 22 – 23 Oktober 2024
- Batch 11 : 5 – 6 November 2024 || 19 – 20 November 2024
- Batch 12 : 10 – 11 Desember 2024
Catatan : Jadwal tersebut dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan calon peserta Training Fitting Material Specifications Pasti Jalan
Invetasi dan Lokasi Pelatihan Fundamentals Of Maintenance And Integrity Di Jogja :
· Yogyakarta, Hotel 101 (6.500.000 IDR / participant)
· Jakarta, Hotel Amaris Kemang (6.500.000 IDR / participant)
· Bandung, Hotel Neo Dipatiukur (6.500.000 IDR / participant)
· Bali, Hotel Ibis Kuta(7.500.000 IDR / participant)
· Surabaya, Hotel Amaris, Ibis Style (6.000.000 IDR / participant)
· Lombok, Sentosa Resort (7.500.000 IDR / participant)
Catatan : Apabila perusahaan membutuhkan paket in house training, anggaran investasi pelatihan dapat menyesuaikan dengan anggaran perusahaan.
Fasilitas pelatihan fitting material specifications di jogja :
- FREE Airport pickup service (Gratis Antar jemput Hotel/Bandara/Stasiun/Terminal)
- FREE Akomodasi ke tempat pelatihan bagi peserta training Fundamentals of Maintenance and Integrity jogja pasti running
- Module / Handout Training Sistem Pipa & Integritas Pipa Jogja Fixed Running
- FREE Flashdisk
- Sertifikat Training Piping System & Pipeline Integrity Di Jogja Murah
- FREE Bag or bagpackers (Tas Training)
- Training Kit (Dokumentasi photo, Blocknote, ATK, etc)
- 2xCoffe Break & 1 Lunch, Dinner
- FREE Souvenir Exclusive
- Training room full AC and Multimedia